He graduated form the University of Sheffield School of Medicine in 2002 after which he completed house jobs in diabetes, renal medicine, orthopaedics and general surgery at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield.
He subsequently trained in neurosurgery at Hope Hospital in Manchester after which he has done 10 years of specialist ophthalmic training in the West Midlands including an advanced subspecialist glaucoma fellowship at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre.
He was appointed as a substantive full time consultant at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre in 2015.
Mr Pandey has a large complex glaucoma practice and gets tertiary referrals from other cataract and glaucoma surgeons across the East and West Midlands and beyond.
Mr Pandey specialises in surgical glaucoma and has one of the largest complex glaucoma and MIGS (minimally invasive glaucoma surgery) practices in the country and employs the full spectrum of surgical strategies depending of individual needs.
He currently leads the virtual glaucoma service at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre and was the previous Designated Individual for the Human Tissue Authority, where he was responsible for ensuring the safety of all transplants procedures.
He is also a Royal College of Ophthalmologists College tutor for ophthalmic specialist trainees, trains subspecialist glaucoma surgeons and leads simulation training for surgical trainees in the West Midlands.
As an advanced sub-specialist trainer he has been on the faculty of the angle closure, trabeculectomy and iStent Masterclasses and has helped train many glaucoma surgeons on the above techniques and diseases.
His research interests include, novel drug deliveries for glaucoma and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery and he is a principal investigator on a major international drug trial.
Professional Memberships
Fellow Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Fellow Royal Society of Medicine
European Glaucoma Society
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
United Kingdom Eire Glaucoma Society
Glaucoma UK
Midlands Glaucoma Society
Midland Ophthalmological Society
General Medical Council
British Medical Association
Medical Defense Union

Charity Work
Pravin has worked as a volunteer surgeon in Cambodia, a country with 180,000 blind people, three quarters of whom have cataracts, a reversible form of sight loss.
With the charity, Khmer Sight, he was involved in assessing, treating and operating on many patients who would otherwise not be able to pay for their treatment. If you would like to donate to this very worthy cause either as a volunteer or financially then please visit their site khmersight.com
Pravin has also been a volunteer on the Orbis “Flying Eye Hospital” and helped train local ophthalmologists in Kampala, Uganda to deal with eye conditions in their own communities. Patients are treated on the aeroplane itself, which has a self-contained laser room, operating theatre and teaching classroom equipped with the latest audio-visual equipment.
To see the amazing work they do with local ophthalmologists and opticians please visit their website orbis.org